Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My First Week

Hello Cyperspace! Mommy says I should start a blog to share everything that is new to me with all her friends, family and future Scarlett fans. So, here we are...I came into the world on Wednesday, January 19th, 2011 weighing in at 7 lbs 8 ozs and 20.5 inches long at 6:04pm. I was born in New York Downtown Hospital right under the Brooklyn Bridge in Lower Manhattan. Uncle Ryan flew up for the big day at the last minute and stayed with us in the hospital and then for a few days when we got home. Mommy only cried twice the night he left :-0

So, I am living in a one-bedroom apartment on Wall St for now - But Mommy promises I get my own room when I am a bit bigger and her lease is up. We cohabit with two cats and one dog, all of who seem to just ignore me! I already had my first dinner out in five degree weather last Saturday night with Mommy and Uncle Ryan. Mexican food, of course (and she wonders why I kept her up all night on Saturday).

Monday was another day of firsts - my first walk in the snow with Nobie, my first cab ride and my first doctor's appointment. Between me and you, I think Mommy picked Tribeca Pediatrics just so she'll have an excuse to visit the neighborhood more often! And, yes - I WAS NOT happy with getting naked in front of a stranger to weigh myself. Ugh! The doctor says I am perfect so far and wants us to come back next week for another weigh-in; I'll keep everyone posted.

Last night Aunt Angie flew in to stay for the next week. Today we went to my first photo shoot and the photographer was amazed at my beauty and poise at only one week old. Well, duh! Mommy signed a relase so they could use me in their ads, on-line etc. So, I TOTALLY count that as my first modeling job, even if it wasn't paid. They're also gonna do my birth announcements so everyone will be able to get a peek at my awesome pics! Classic Kids, Upper East Side - I highly recommend them!

From there we went for lunch at Lexington Candy Shop, a small old diner that was recommended for the greasy burgers and milkshakes. There, I had my first celebrity sighting - Matt Dillon. How cute he was, and his voice is to die for. That was worth braving the snow for!

Well, I guess that about sums up my first week. Look out NYC, Scarlett is here! And yes, Mommy named me after Scarlett O'Hara and Dennison after PaPa Ray. A big shout-out to all my visitors so far:
1. Uncle Ryan 2. Melinda 3. Amy 4. Dorie & David 5. Katie 6. Danielle 7. Laura 8. Aunt Angie and I can't forget 9. Liz & Frank who drove me home from the hospital.


  1. Yay!!! I am looking forward to reading more of what little miss Scarlett has to say about this great big world she has now entered. I love it so far:)

  2. I think that you are going to make me cry. You as a mommy makes me mushy.

  3. What a great first week!! Getting naked to be weighed only gets harder as you get older!
    You have an awesome mom that will show you the world with love and kindness.
    Kara, I'm so proud of you! Girls are the greatest!!you are going to have so much fun!! Love you!! Stacey

  4. Ya!! I am so glad you are doing a blog about her. Love all the pictures, especially the ATM hat. She is beautiful. Thanks for sharing!!
